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Quiz Corner
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  1. [Sandyavandanam] Devatha for 'Bhoohu' Vyaahruthi (world) is ?





  2. [Azhwars] Bhoodathazhwar is a representation of which of the following of Lord Vishnu's objects ?

 Panchajanyam (Conch)

 Kaumodaki (Mace)

 Nandaki (Sword)

 Sudarshana (Discus)

  3. [Acharyas] How many written works did Yamunacharya author ?





  4. [Divya Desam] In how many Divya Desams does the Archaa Avatara of Lord Narayana grace us in the Reclining Posture (Kidantha Thirukkolam) ?





  5. [Divya Prabandam] How many Pasurams (songs) does Mudhal (First) Thiruvandhadhi contain ?





  6. [Sandyavandanam] Chandas for 'Mahaha' Vyaahruthi (world) is ?





  7. [Vedam] Vyakaranam (referring to Grammar) is one of the subjects of ?





  8. [Sanatana Dharmam] A portion of one's past Karma, that influences people in their current lives is called ?

 Sanchita Karma

 Prarabdha Karma

 Kriyamana Karma

 Aagami Karma

  9. [Azhwars] Who composed Irandaam (Second) Thiruvandhadhi ?

 Poigai Azhwar



 All 3

  10. [Upanishads] Chandogya Upanishad is contained in which Vedam ?







Quiz questions contributed by Sri Ramji Govindarajan, UK.