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Quiz Corner
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  1. [Divya Desam] In how many Divya Desams does the Archaa Avatara of Lord Narayana grace us in the Reclining Posture (Kidantha Thirukkolam) ?





  2. [Azhwars] Who was the mother of Periyazhwar ?



 Udaya Nangai


  3. [Sandyavandanam] Devata for Praashanam mantram during morning Yajur Sandyavandanam is ?





  4. [Divya Prabandam] How many Pasurams (songs) does Periya Thiruvanthaadi contain ?





  5. [Bhagavadh Gita] During Bhagavadh Gita Upadesam to Arjuna, Shri Krishna refers himself to which one of those among the 'Kranthi Darshi/Kavi' knowing past/present/future ?


 Sukhra Acharya

 Veda Vyas

 Kapila Muni

  6. [Azhwars] Who was the foster mother of Thirumazhisai Azhwar ?

 Pangaya Chelvi




  7. [Sandyavandanam] Chandas for 'Janaha' Vyaahruthi (world) is ?





  8. [Divya Prabandam] How many Pasurams (songs) does Perumal Thirumozhi contain ?





  9. [Azhwars] Who was the father of Thirumazhisai Azhwar ?


 Bhargava Rishi



  10. [Bhagavadh Gita] During Bhagavadh Gita Upadesam to Arjuna, Shri Krishna refers himself to which one of those senses among the 'Living Objects' ?







Quiz questions contributed by Sri Ramji Govindarajan, UK.