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Quiz Corner
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  1. [Vedam] How many Shakai did Krishna Yajur Vedam originally have ?





  2. [Sanatana Dharmam] What colour is associated with Lord Sriman Narayana during Kali Yuga ?





  3. [Divya Desam] In which Divya Desam does a devotee standing front of Lord Narayana in Sayana (Reclining) posture, has Darshan of the lord's feet to his/her left hand side  ?

 Thiru Kovilur



 Thiru Vehka

  4. [Azhwars] What is the birth month of Madhurakavi Azhwar ?





  5. [Bhagavadh Gita] During Bhagavadh Gita Upadesam to Arjuna, Shri Krishna refers himself to which one of those among the 'Munis'  ?

 Veda Vyas




  6. [Bhagavadh Gita] During Bhagavadh Gita Upadesam to Arjuna, Shri Krishna refers himself to which one of those among the 'Chandas (Metres)'  ?





  7. [Acharyas] Who wrote Aagamapramanyam ?


 Veda Vyas

 Vaikanasa Rishi

 Swami Desikan

  8. [Vishistaadvaitam] Anumaanam, Pratkyaksham, Shabdam are together referred to as ?





  9. [Divya Desam] How many pasurams did the Azhwars sing in praise of the Lord of Srirangam ?





  10. [Vedam] How many Shakai did Sama Vedam originally have ?







Quiz questions contributed by Sri Ramji Govindarajan, UK.